Basic Information
Province Name | HAKKARI |
District Name | YÜKSEKOVA |
Neighborhood - Village | DAGLICA KÖYÜ AKAR MEVKII |
CSBM Name | AKAR |
CSBM Code | 610,046 |
Number of Apartments with Residential Licenses | 36 |
Number of Independent Business Licensed Offices | 0 |
Postal code | 30,302 |
AKAR KÜME EVLER is within the borders of HAKKARI city, YÜKSEKOVA district, DAGLICA KÖYÜ AKAR MEVKII. It is at latitude 37.37725116and longitude 44.10326648 . Postal code 30302. The number of flats with occupancy permits on the road is 36 .
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