Basic Information

Province AffiliatedAFYONKARAHISAR
District AffiliatedSUHUT
Postal code3,810
Number of Streets1
Population Yogunlugu (kisi/km2)44
Number of Independent Business Licensed Offices38
Number of Apartments with Residential Licenses787
Number of Households / Families322
Total Population1,646
Male Population820
Woman Population826

YARISLI village SUHUT district of AFYONKARAHISAR province. UAVT (National Address Database Code) Village Code: 1467. Postal Code: 3810. YARISLI 1 streets and avenues, 38 independent business licensed apartments, 787 residential licensed apartments, 322 households. 1646 people live in this settlement. 820 male, 826 female. 236 people have never married, 879 people are married, 19 people are divorced and 79 people have passed away. The number of people aged 60 and over is 251. The population rate of 60+ people is % 15 and the ratio of children under the age of 10 to the population is % 17 SUHUT -in the district- 3. the most crowded neighbourhood.


Physical Condition and Risks

Earthquake acceleration rate -PGA 4750.28
Ground Disturbance Degree -40
Broken Ground Ratio0
Gas Stations0
Distance to Fault Line (m)23,580
Lowest Altitude (m)1,111
Highest Altitude (m)1,414
Avg Altitude (m)1,269


Avg Temperature (°C)11.39
Min Temperature (°C)-17.40
Rainfall amount (cm/day)3.33
Snowfall amount (cm/day)0.33

Civil status

Education Status

Age distribution

Development Indicators

Provincial Development GroupALT
Country Development GroupALT
Per Capita Disposable Income (Month) - TL3,838
Savings (Month) - TL138
Number of Bank Branches0
Number of ATMs0
Number of Pharmacies0
Land Equivalent Value (TL)37

Development Groups

Spending Rates

İl Genel Meclisi Seçimi

Neighborhood - VillageYARISLI KÖYÜ
Number of Voters1,136
Total Independent Votes0
Number of Valid Votes1,048

2023 Parliamentary Elections

Election Date14 May 2023
Election NameParliamentary Election
Neighborhood - VillageYARISLI
Number of Voters1,107
Number of Valid Votes998
Total Independent Votes0

2023 Presidential Election 1st Round

Election Date1. tour 14 May 2023, 2. tour 28 May 2023
Election NamePresidential Election - 2 rounds held
Neighborhood - VillageYARISLI
Number of Voters1,107
Number of Valid Votes997

2023 Presidential Election 2st Round

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