Basic Information
Province AffiliatedIZMIR
District AffiliatedKARABAGLAR
Postal code35,160
Number of Streets132
Population Yogunlugu (kisi/km2)30,850
Number of Independent Business Licensed Offices682
Number of Apartments with Residential Licenses11,583
Number of Households / Families9,294
Total Population24,981
Male Population12,192
Woman Population12,789

VATAN neighborhood is located in KARABAGLAR district of IZMIR province. UAVT (National Address Database Code) Neighborhood Code: 41293. Postal Code: 35160. The population density is -per square kilometer- 30850 people. VATAN 132 streets and avenues, 682 independent business licensed apartments, 11583 residential licensed apartments, 9294 households. 24981 people live in this settlement. 12192 male, 12789 female. 5513 people have never married, 12132 people are married, 1992 people are divorced and 1254 people have passed away. The number of people aged 60 and over is 4382. The population rate of 60+ people is % 17 and the ratio of children under the age of 10 to the population is % 10 KARABAGLAR -in the district- 1. the most crowded neighbourhood.

Physical Condition and Risks
Earthquake acceleration rate -PGA 4750.45
Ground Disturbance Degree -40
Broken Ground Ratio0
Gas Stations0
Distance to Fault Line (m)56,745
Lowest Altitude (m)90
Highest Altitude (m)90
Avg Altitude (m)90
Avg Temperature (°C)17.28
Min Temperature (°C)-3.07
Rainfall amount (cm/day)3.82
Snowfall amount (cm/day)0.01
Civil status
Education Status
Age distribution
Development Indicators
Provincial Development GroupORTA-ÜST
Country Development GroupÜST
Per Capita Disposable Income (Month) - TL19,518
Savings (Month) - TL2,663
Number of Bank Branches3
Number of ATMs11
Number of Pharmacies10
Land Equivalent Value (TL)9,152
Development Groups
Spending Rates
Metropolitan Municipality Mayoral Election
Neighborhood - VillageVATAN MAH.
Number of Voters19,918
Total Independent Votes11
Number of Valid Votes14,440
Mayoral Election
Neighborhood - VillageVATAN MAH.
Number of Voters19,918
Total Independent Votes0
Number of Valid Votes14,374
Municipal Council Election
Neighborhood - VillageVATAN MAH.
Number of Voters19,918
Total Independent Votes9
Number of Valid Votes14,320
2023 Parliamentary Elections
Election Date14 May 2023
Election NameParliamentary Election
Neighborhood - VillageVATAN
Number of Voters19,909
Number of Valid Votes17,364
Total Independent Votes7
2023 Presidential Election 1st Round
Election Date1. tour 14 May 2023, 2. tour 28 May 2023
Election NamePresidential Election - 2 rounds held
Neighborhood - VillageVATAN
Number of Voters19,909
Number of Valid Votes17,470
2023 Presidential Election 2st Round
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