Basic Information
Name | TASLIK |
Province Affiliated | DÜZCE |
District Affiliated | GÖLYAKA |
Postal code | 81,802 |
Number of Streets | 1 |
Population Yogunlugu (kisi/km2) | 170 |
Number of Independent Business Licensed Offices | 1 |
Number of Apartments with Residential Licenses | 145 |
Number of Households / Families | 94 |
Total Population | 331 |
Male Population | 159 |
Woman Population | 172 |
TASLIK village GÖLYAKA district of DÜZCE province. UAVT (National Address Database Code) Village Code: 37560. Postal Code: 81802. TASLIK 1 streets and avenues, 1 independent business licensed apartments, 145 residential licensed apartments, 94 households. 331 people live in this settlement. 159 male, 172 female. 60 and over is 75. The population rate of 60+ people is % 22 and the ratio of children under the age of 10 to the population is % 5
Physical Condition and Risks
Earthquake acceleration rate -PGA 475 | 0.67 |
Ground Disturbance Degree -4 | 2 |
Broken Ground Ratio | 62 |
Gas Stations | 0 |
Distance to Fault Line (m) | 624 |
Lowest Altitude (m) | 484 |
Highest Altitude (m) | 495 |
Avg Altitude (m) | 489 |
Avg Temperature (°C) | 11.05 |
Min Temperature (°C) | -17.00 |
Rainfall amount (cm/day) | 3.11 |
Snowfall amount (cm/day) | 0.60 |
Civil status
Education Status
Development Indicators
Indicator | Value |
Provincial Development Group | ALT |
Country Development Group | ALT |
Per Capita Disposable Income (Month) - TL | 4,734 |
Savings (Month) - TL | 171 |
Number of Bank Branches | 0 |
Number of ATMs | 0 |
Number of Pharmacies | 0 |
Land Equivalent Value (TL) | 10 |
Development Groups
Spending Rates
İl Genel Meclisi Seçimi
Party | Votes |
Neighborhood - Village | TASLIK KÖYÜ |
Number of Voters | 249 |
Total Independent Votes | 0 |
Number of Valid Votes | 231 |
2023 Parliamentary Elections
Election Date | 14 May 2023 |
Election Name | Parliamentary Election |
Neighborhood - Village | TASLIK |
Number of Voters | 228 |
Number of Valid Votes | 212 |
Total Independent Votes | 0 |
2023 Presidential Election 1st Round
Election Date | 1. tour 14 May 2023, 2. tour 28 May 2023 |
Election Name | Presidential Election - 2 rounds held |
Neighborhood - Village | TASLIK |
Number of Voters | 228 |
Number of Valid Votes | 214 |
2023 Presidential Election 2st Round
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