Basic Information
Name | KOCAELI |
Number of Streets | 20,882 |
Number of Districts | 12 |
Number of Independent Business Licensed Offices | 130,545 |
Number of Apartments with Residential Licenses | 917,687 |
Total Population | 2,102,907 |
Foreign National Population | 18,384 |
Kocaeli is a city of great industrial importance located in the Marmara Region of Turkey. Located between Istanbul and Sakarya, Kocaeli offers easy access by both land and sea. The city's most well-known district, Izmit, is also the center of Kocaeli. In addition to hosting large industrial establishments, Kocaeli also draws attention with its natural beauties. Lake Sapanca, Masukiye, Ormanya Wildlife Park and the Kerpe and Cebeci coasts make the city an attractive destination for nature lovers. In addition, Kocaeli is one of the important centers of the business world with the fairs and conferences held in the city. In the field of education, Kocaeli University makes significant contributions to the city's young population and academic life.
Physical Condition and Risks
Organized Industrial Zones | 17 |
Gas Stations | 299 |
Shortest Distance to Fault Line (m) | 0 |
Average Distance to Fault Line (m) | 7,607 |
Lowest Altitude (m) | 0 |
Highest Altitude (m) | 1,329 |
Avg Altitude (m) | 168 |
Avg Temperature (°C) | 13.97 |
Min Temperature (°C) | -7.10 |
Rainfall amount (cm/day) | 3.42 |
Snowfall amount (cm/day) | 0.30 |
Civil status
Education Status
Age distribution
KOCAELI | 558,117 |
ERZURUM | 98,654 |
SAKARYA | 72,261 |
KARS | 71,012 |
GIRESUN | 67,943 |
TRABZON | 67,708 |
MUGLA | 1,602 |
BURDUR | 1,338 |
HAKKARI | 1,280 |
AYDIN | 3,374 |
SIRNAK | 2,934 |
DENIZLI | 2,836 |
KARAMAN | 2,217 |
ANTALYA | 2,176 |
KIRKLARELI | 4,794 |
OSMANIYE | 4,728 |
TEKIRDAG | 4,638 |
ÇANAKKALE | 4,464 |
USAK | 3,657 |
ISPARTA | 3,619 |
IZMIR | 5,774 |
EDIRNE | 5,593 |
KÜTAHYA | 5,451 |
MANISA | 5,430 |
ADIYAMAN | 5,359 |
AKSARAY | 5,203 |
IGDIR | 7,137 |
KIRIKKALE | 6,920 |
BATMAN | 6,436 |
MERSIN | 6,365 |
YALOVA | 6,132 |
TUNCELI | 5,983 |
BARTIN | 8,631 |
NEVSEHIR | 8,561 |
KAYSERI | 8,557 |
GAZIANTEP | 8,522 |
SIIRT | 7,518 |
KIRSEHIR | 7,451 |
BINGÖL | 11,781 |
HATAY | 11,013 |
NIGDE | 9,341 |
ADANA | 9,098 |
ÇANKIRI | 14,535 |
ESKISEHIR | 14,188 |
SANLIURFA | 13,649 |
ELAZIG | 13,502 |
MARDIN | 13,230 |
BALIKESIR | 11,800 |
ERZINCAN | 15,442 |
YOZGAT | 15,054 |
ÇORUM | 14,923 |
BITLIS | 14,919 |
MALATYA | 14,824 |
ANKARA | 14,748 |
BURSA | 18,382 |
KARABÜK | 16,998 |
BAYBURT | 16,797 |
DIYARBAKIR | 16,060 |
AMASYA | 15,487 |
SINOP | 26,217 |
DÜZCE | 22,981 |
ZONGULDAK | 22,715 |
RIZE | 22,241 |
BOLU | 22,059 |
KONYA | 18,791 |
SIVAS | 41,871 |
GÜMÜSHANE | 41,826 |
VAN | 37,484 |
KASTAMONU | 34,239 |
MUS | 31,390 |
ARTVIN | 28,373 |
AGRI | 63,990 |
ARDAHAN | 50,444 |
ORDU | 48,601 |
SAMSUN | 47,150 |
TOKAT | 44,062 |
ISTANBUL | 43,270 |
Development Indicators
Indicator | Value |
Per Capita Disposable Income (Month) - TL | 15,040 |
Savings (Month) - TL | 1,624 |
Number of Bank Branches | 247 |
Number of ATMs | 1,432 |
Number of Pharmacies | 620 |
Average Land Equivalent Value (TL) | 814 |
Development Groups
Spending Rates
Metropolitan Municipality Mayoral Election
Election Date | 31 March 2024 |
Election Name | Local Election - Metropolitan Municipality Mayor |
Election Area | KOCAELI |
Number of Voters | 1,533,959 |
Number of Valid Votes | 1,122,975 |
Total Independent Votes | 1,268 |
Mayoral Election
Election Date | 31 March 2024 |
Election Name | Local Elections - Mayoralty |
Election Area | KOCAELI |
Number of Voters | 1,533,959 |
Number of Valid Votes | 1,113,124 |
Total Independent Votes | 26,636 |
Municipal Council Election
Election Date | 31 March 2024 |
Election Name | Local Election - City Council |
Election Area | KOCAELI |
Number of Voters | 1,533,959 |
Number of Valid Votes | 1,108,691 |
Total Independent Votes | 5,183 |
2023 Parliamentary Elections
Election Date | 14 May 2023 |
Election Name | Parliamentary Election |
Province Name | KOCAELI |
Number of Voters | 1,516,293 |
Number of Valid Votes | 1,359,568 |
Total Independent Votes | 0 |
2023 Presidential Election 1st Round
Election Date | 1. tour 14 May 2023, 2. tour 28 May 2023 |
Election Name | Presidential Election - 2 rounds held |
Province Name | KOCAELI |
Number of Voters | 1,517,418 |
Number of Valid Votes | 1,324,159 |