Province Affiliated | ISTANBUL |
District Affiliated | SANCAKTEPE |
Postal code | 34,887 |
Number of Streets | 262 |
Population Yogunlugu (kisi/km2) | 11,806 |
Number of Independent Business Licensed Offices | 1,341 |
Number of Apartments with Residential Licenses | 18,997 |
Number of Households / Families | 13,308 |
Total Population | 46,347 |
Male Population | 23,853 |
Woman Population | 22,494 |
ABDURRAHMANGAZI neighborhood is located in SANCAKTEPE district of ISTANBUL province. UAVT (National Address Database Code) Neighborhood Code: 40579. Postal Code: 34887. The population density is -per square kilometer- 11806 people. ABDURRAHMANGAZI 262 streets and avenues, 1341 independent business licensed apartments, 18997 residential licensed apartments, 13308 households. 46347 people live in this settlement. 23853 male, 22494 female. 10333 people have never married, 21999 people are married, 1513 people are divorced and 908 people have passed away. The number of people aged 60 and over is 2927. The population rate of 60+ people is % 6 and the ratio of children under the age of 10 to the population is % 16 SANCAKTEPE -in the district- 2. the most crowded neighbourhood.
Earthquake acceleration rate -PGA 475 | 0.35 |
Ground Disturbance Degree -4 | 0 |
Broken Ground Ratio | 0 |
Gas Stations | 1 |
Airport Distance (m) | 598 |
Distance to Fault Line (m) | 28,641 |
Lowest Altitude (m) | 80 |
Highest Altitude (m) | 153 |
Avg Altitude (m) | 111 |
Avg Temperature (°C) | 14.97 |
Min Temperature (°C) | -3.49 |
Rainfall amount (cm/day) | 3.25 |
Snowfall amount (cm/day) | 0.12 |
KARS | 3,097 |
ISTANBUL | 2,901 |
VAN | 2,728 |
TOKAT | 2,459 |
SIVAS | 2,188 |
ORDU | 1,846 |
SINOP | 1,740 |
ERZURUM | 1,605 |
AGRI | 1,573 |
ARDAHAN | 1,325 |
Indicator | Value |
Provincial Development Group | ORTA-ALT |
Country Development Group | ORTA-ÜST |
Per Capita Disposable Income (Month) - TL | 12,395 |
Savings (Month) - TL | 1,228 |
Number of Bank Branches | 2 |
Number of ATMs | 19 |
Number of Pharmacies | 12 |
Land Equivalent Value (TL) | 1,639 |
Party | Votes |
Neighborhood - Village | ABDURRAHMANGAZI MAH. |
Number of Voters | 31,389 |
Total Independent Votes | 38 |
Number of Valid Votes | 23,801 |
Party | Votes |
Neighborhood - Village | ABDURRAHMANGAZI MAH. |
Number of Voters | 31,389 |
Total Independent Votes | 28 |
Number of Valid Votes | 23,856 |
Party | Votes |
Neighborhood - Village | ABDURRAHMANGAZI MAH. |
Number of Voters | 31,389 |
Total Independent Votes | 0 |
Number of Valid Votes | 23,884 |
Election Date | 14 May 2023 |
Election Name | Parliamentary Election |
Neighborhood - Village | ABDURRAHMANGAZI |
Number of Voters | 31,157 |
Number of Valid Votes | 27,855 |
Total Independent Votes | 3 |
Election Date | 1. tour 14 May 2023, 2. tour 28 May 2023 |
Election Name | Presidential Election - 2 rounds held |
Neighborhood - Village | ABDURRAHMANGAZI |
Number of Voters | 31,157 |
Number of Valid Votes | 28,041 |